Maxim Capital Limited

Who is Maxim Trader?

Maxim Trader is managed by Maxim Capital Limited, a subsidiary of Royale Globe Holding Inc. (Formerly known as Royale Group Holding Inc.) which is a public listed Financial and Investment company.

Maxim Trader is a financial trading facilitator, market research house with operations throughout Europe and more recently in the emerging financial powerhouses of Asia like China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea & South East Asia. Maxim Trader was founded by a group experienced and passionate traders, financial analysts and actuaries whose aim was to provide the best trading solutions for the trading industry, which includes establishing its own fund management programme and proprietary accounts for the benefit of its clients.

This unique partnership is fueled by the common goal of its founders, who set the foundation for a trading platform that enables professional traders to grow their business with ease of mind and confidence, knowing that they are getting the most competitive rates coupled with the use of state-of-the-art trading technology. Additionally, beginner traders in the financial market will benefit directly from the professional experience and guidance of our trading specialists.

History of Maxim Trader

The uncertainties of the financial market are the culprit for volatility. But in this very volatility, we find the golden opportunities in the financial market. Maxim Trader was founded on this basis as the online trading market expanded exponentially and demand increased. The founders realized and identified that not only can online trading provide a cheaper and more efficient trading compared to the traditional over the counter method, but the giant leap in internet & technology in the 20th century has made trading easily accessible with greater transparency. The technological advancements spawned the increase in trading methodologies whilst Maxim Trader understood it and has been head and shoulders over others in developing trading techniques which forms the core of the company’s success. The constant research and development from the Maxim Trader team has enabled the company to not only provide a trading solution but to grow into fund management services and aspire to become a leading provider in finance.

Our Vision

Maxim Trader works towards providing world-class financial solutions to our customers by providing them access to financial instruments at its best trading condition, a safe environment for their trading activities and to build a globally trusted brand in the online trading industry.

Our Mission

Maxim Trader works towards establishing a constitution that serves to magnify the principle of leverage thus elevating both the organization and clients to a financial vantage point. As a result, we capitalize on the pooled resources, coupled with proven fund management techniques and expertise to generate wealth and create value allowing our people, partners,stakeholders and clients to prosper continuously.

Maxim Trader in the Forex Market

The Foreign Exchange Market (Forex, FX) is the arena in which a nation’s currency is exchanged for that of another at a mutually agreed rate. It was created in the 1970′s and is now considered to be one of the largest financial markets in the world because of its huge turnover. Based on the announcement of the Bank of International Settlements (in their Triennial Central Bank Survey of 2007), the average daily turnover in global foreign exchange markets is estimated to be $3.98 trillion.

Through the internet, trading in the Foreign Exchange Market is now available to a wider range of investors. In an industry where participation only used to be limited to banks and other major institutions, the Internet has extended the range of FX traders all the way down to retail investors. Retail Forex, or also known as “off-exchange market” segment, is estimated to be 2% of the total FX market with daily trading volumes of $50-$60 billion.

Maxim Trader

Maxim Trader
Fund Investment Program

Wednesday, 21 May 2014



All these top brands were mentioned in one breath, in the same sentence, on the night of 15th May 2014…
2014년 5월 15일밤이모든최고브랜드가한호흡의한문장에서언급되었습니다.

It is no surprise that Maxim Trader was amongst the companies that was selected to participate in the ARFF - ASEAN OUTSTANDING BUSINESS  AWARD 2014.
맥심트레이더가 ARFF – 2014 아시아최고비즈니스상의한업체로선정되었다는사실은놀라운일이아닙니다.

The participation was not simply as an observer, or a member of the audience, but the role of Maxim Trader for the night’s event was to be the recipient of this prestigious award, namely as the recipient of the award as THE LEADING BRAND IN INVESTMENT SERVICES.
그날밤맥심트레이더가행사에참석한이유는관찰자로서도, 관중으로서도아닌이훌륭한상의수상자로서였습니다. 말그래도투자서비스의리딩브랜드상을수상하기위해서였습니다.

The ARFF falls under the auspice of ASEAN BUSINESS ADVISORY COUNCIL (ASEAN BAC) and is mandated by the leaders of ASEAN to promote efforts for economic integration and inciting growth of the business sector as well as to promote economic opportunities for all the member counties across the region. This award serves to celebrate and recognize the companies that have worked so tirelessly to successfully champion this noble cause.
ARFFはASEAN ビジネス諮問委員会(ASEAN BAC)の支援のもとに運営されており、ASEANのリーダーによって、経済的な統合を促進し、ビジネスセクターの成長を刺激し、同時に地域全体のすべてのメンバー国の経済機会を促進することが、義務づけられています。この賞は崇高な大義のもと、休むことなく働き、成功しているチャンピオンである会社を祝い、認識するのに役立っているのです。
AFRR는아세안비지니스자문위원회소속기관으로아세안의리더에의해위임받아경제통합과비즈니스분야의성장을돕고지역에상관없이모든멤버들에게기회를제공하고자노력하는기관입니다.  본상은이러한일환으로지치지않고열심히노력해온회사들에게축하하고인정하는상입니다.

This event was endorsed by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dato Sri Mohd Najib BinTun Hj Abd Rasak and the Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Dato Haji Muhyiddin Bin Haji Mohd Yassin, in addition to being supported by Malaysian Ministers and Patrons from the highest echelon of Malaysian society.There is a total of not less than 35 distinguished members of the award selection committee, whom worked tirelessly to select only the most deserving of companies to receive this honor and award, of which Maxim Trader was unanimously the chosen winner in  the Investment Services category.
庆典现场也非常荣幸地请到了马来西亚的首相Dato Sri Mohd Najib BinTun Hj Abd Rasak以及副首相Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tan Sri Dato Haji Muhyiddin Bin Haji Mohd Yassin以及众多位来自大马的名流人士。另外,活动也少不了来自于颁奖委员会不少于35位著名人士的参加;正是这些委员们忘我地投入奖项评选工作,并一致票选认同马胜获得投资类奖项为实至名归。
본행사는말레이시아사회의가장높은장관과후원자의지원을받아부총리다토스리모드나집민툰 Hj 압드라삭과말레이시아장관탄스리다토하지무히딘빈하지모드야신에의해승인된행사입니다. 적어도 35명이상의명망있는선정위원들이열성적으로선정하여맥심트레이더가만장일치로투자서비스카테고리의수상자로선정되었습니다.

The venue for the evening award was at the Royal Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, where the setting was of a multi-cultural theme, where all the ASEAN countries were represented with their respective culture. All the national flags from the ASEAN countries, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam can be seen and on display in the ballroom where the award ceremony was taking place. The award and Guest of Honor of the evening was YB Dato Sri Hasan Malik, Minister of Domestic Trade, Cooperative and Consumerism, Malaysia.

庆典在吉隆坡著名的皇家珠兰酒店举行。为了展现东盟各成员国各自的特色,现场布置充满了多文化的元素;各成员国如文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、新加坡、泰国以及越南之国家国旗均高高挂起。庆典现场由马来西亚工贸部长YB Dato Sri Hasan Malik先生主持。


수상식장소는쿠알라룸푸르의로얄출란호텔이었으며아시아국가들의대표문화를표현한다국적문화주제로세팅되었습니다.  브루나이다루살람, 캄보디아, 인도네시아, 라오스, 말레이시아, 미얀마, 필리핀, 싱가포르, 태국, 베트남등모든아시아국가의국기가볼룸에전시되어수상식을더욱빛냈습니다.  수상식의가장영예로운초청손님은말레이시아국내무역, 협동조합과소비부장관인 YB 다토스리하산말릭이었습니다.

Maxim Trader Corporate Staff with VIP Member at the cocktail reception
칵테일리셉션에서 VIP회원들과함께한맥심트레이더임직원들

This very exclusive event, was attended by members of the corporate Maxim Trader team, and only the top highest achievers of the Maxim Traders was invited to be part of and witness this milestone achievement of the company.

The event began where the guest were treated to an artistic performance by ASEAN Best Performance Artist, Ms. Syafinaz Selamat, where she entertained the crowd with a mesmerizing soprano  performance.
庆典在东盟区域内最佳表演艺术家Syafinaz Selamat女士惊为天人的女高音中开始。

Ms. Syafinaz Selamat, ASEAN Best Performance Artist, dazzling the crowd with her soprano performance
现场均被Syafinaz Selamat女士惊为天人的女高音折服

The winners and their guests were treated to an evening of not only delightful entertainment, but also to a menu especially designed by the executive chef of the 5 star hotel venue, prior to the awards ceremony.
수상자와손님들은공연뿐만아니라시상식에앞서 5성급호텔연회장에서수석요리사에의해디자인된메뉴를제공받았습니다.

The ASEAN ARFF Committee and Patron on the awards stage
ASEAN ARFF委員会と受賞ステージのパトロン
아시아 ARFF 위원회와후원자가수상대에함께하였습니다

Mr. Jason Lim, Maxim Trader CTO was the representative of the company to receive this prestigious on behalf of the company on the awards stage.
Jason Lim先生-马胜金融集团CTO首席技术官代表公司于舞台上接受表彰
맥심트레이더의 CTO인제이슨림은회사를대표하여수상을하였습니다.

Maxim Trader CTO, Mr. Jason Lim, receiving the ASEAN LEADING BRAND IN INVESTMENT SERVICES award present by the President of ARF ASEAN
马胜金融集团CTO首席技术Jason Lim先生接受东盟ARFF主席颁发杰出企业大奖
投資部門におけるASEANリーディングブランド賞をASEAN ARFFのプレジデントより受け取るマキシムトレーダーのCTOジェイソン・リム氏
맥심트레이더 CTO인제이슨림이 ARFF 아시아의대표가수상하는아시아리딩브랜드투자서비스분야상을수상하였습니다.

The moment of announcement, that Maxim Trader is the Award winner in the ASEAN Leading Brand in Investment Services
マキシムトレーダーが投資部門においてASEAN リーディングブランドを受賞したことがアナウンスされた瞬間

Maxim Trader, CTO, Mr. Jason Lim and CMO, Mr. Alvin Tan with Maxim Trader Hall of Fame, Mr. Bay Toh, proudly displaying the award
CMO 首席市场官Alvin Tan
马胜名人堂Bay Toh共展奖杯
맥심트레이더 CTO 제이슨림과 CMO 알빈탄이맥심트레이더명예의전당베이토와함께하였습니다

This ASEAN award, has again catapulted Maxim Trader to the next level of prestige in the financial arena, not only has Maxim Trader conquered individual countries, but now this is proof the company’s domination has expanded to across nations, into the international ASEAN sphere…which means the only way forward.. the next step, is undoubtedly global international presence..

CTO, Mr. Jason Lim posing on the award stage with all the other award members of the evening

Friday, 16 May 2014

Latest Updates. 16.5.2014 10.00pm MAXIM Trader withdraw TOTAL USD 20,000,000.00 in just 2 Acc!!!

source from :

Views : 2895

Broker : MAXIM Trader 
Leverage : 1:100
Type : Real
System : Technical
Trading : Mixed
Started : June 10, 2013
Company Account : MAXIM1

source from :

Views : 1341

Broker : MAXIM Trader 
Leverage : 1:100
Type : Real
System : Technical
Trading : Mixed
Started : Aug 18, 2013
Company Account : MAXIM3


Saturday, 10 May 2014

马胜金融中国巡回第十站:福州. Want to know how to create financial freedom ? Ask US how today!!!

Monthly withdrawal period will be extended by an additional day to 8 May 2014, 11.59PM

Dear International Members,

As you are aware, we had been experiencing some glitches in our website during the past two days.
This problem has now been fixed and to assist you, the monthly withdrawal period will be extended by an additional day to 8 May 2014, 11.59PM.
The inconvenience caused is highly regretted and steps are under way to improve the services.

Thank you,





친애하는 국제 멤버 여러분들, 아시다시피 지난 2일간 홈페이지에 작은 문제가 있었습니다. 이 문제는 이제 해결되었으며 여러분들의 편의를 위하여, 월별 인출 기간을 201년 5월 8일 오후 11시 59분까지 추가로 연장됩니다. 불편을 끼쳐드려 죄송합니다. 서비스의 질을 높이기 위해 최선을 다할 것입니다. 감사합니다.